Dodgeball for a Top Cause

Memories for Kids

Dodgeball Sponsorship Levels

Attack Sponsor $1,000+

  • Option to have Dodgeball Team of 8 people participate
  • Snack and beverage package for your team
  • Option to have table for advertising
    (or can provide swag for event attendees)
  • Name/Logo on website and recognition on social media
  • Name/Logo on t-shirt in Large Premium Font
  • Shout-out and recognition announcement at the event

Defend Sponsor $750

  • Option to have Dodgeball Team of 8 people participate
  • Option to have table for advertising
    (or can provide swag for event attendees)
  • Name/Logo on website and recognition on social media
  • Name/Logo on t-shirt
  • Shout-out and recognition announcement at the event 

Duck Sponsor $500

  • Option to have Dodgeball Team of 8 people participate
  • Name/Logo on website and recognition on social media
  • Name/Logo on t-shirt

Dive Sponsor $250

  • Option to have Dodgeball Team of 8 people participate
  • Name/Logo on website and recognition on social media

Block Sponsor $100

  • Name/Logo on website and recognition on social media

Please complete by November 1st to be featured on the t-shirt (if applicable).

If you have questions or need additional information, please contact Megan Riebe Reay at or 402-889-5797.

Thank you for your consideration!