Tanya Winegard

The family requested this in lieu of flowers. Every time I saw Tanya she had a smile on her face and wanted to know how our son Parker was doing. Her son Noah and Parker frequently competed in the same basketball and baseball tournaments. We are happy to make this donation in her honor.


Ava Thomas

Ava Thomas requested no gifts, only donations for her 50th birthday. I am donating her name.


Ted and Marcia Jorgenson

Ted and Marcia Jorgenson of Council Bluff’s. I don’t know them. I was calling on a request they had made for mortgage protection and none of our agents had followed up from their past request, it was many months old and didn’t she that our agents completed their request. My job is to make sure the requests are completed. Marcia touched my heart. I’ve never met them in person but In one 10 minute phone call I knew I wanted to help her and her family. I pray that they are blessed with a wonderful weekend full of memories. I’m not looking for anything in return I just hope that this small contribution will add to their special weekend.


Jean Spence

My mother, Jean Spence, was diagnosed with Stage 3 Hodgkins Lymphoma at the age of 33. She has now been in remission for 25 years!


Margaret Higgins

I’ve donated in memory of my grandmother, Margaret Higgins, to honor the multiple cancer diagnoses she faced with both Breast Cancer and Mycosis Fungoides. She was a wise and witty matriarch who taught us love, faith, and so much more.