Stephanie Williams

I met Stephanie only once, but I hear such good things about her from her son Grant Hajek and his wife. Stephanie supported Memories for Kids, so it must be good!


Suzie Klosterman

From The Peterson Family – She taught us about “Wonder”. “The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched, They must be felt by the heart.”


Lucas Friendt

“Lucas was our son who died of colorectal cancer in 2017, leaving a wife and three young children. Though we miss him dearly, we take comfort in knowing that he is with his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ because of what Christ did for him (and everyone) on the cross and his faith is Christ. Lucas’s faith and faithfulness to God were an inspiration to many people. We thank God for the time we had with Lucas and we who have put our faith in Christ will be together again with Lucas in heaven. Praise God!
Psalm 73:26 says, “My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.””